How do I become a library user?

How do I become a library user?

In order to borrow library materials and to use the libraries during selfservice hours you must be a registered library user.

You can register as a user online using MitID or visit one of the libraries when staff is on duty. Please bring your Danish sundhedskort (the yellow card).

As users under the age of 18 years must have an adult that is responsible for any charges associated to the library card, you as the adult must register the person, by visiting one of the libraries when staff is on duty and fill out a form.

Please bring your sundhedskort (the yellow card) for you and the person under 18 years of age.

Your sundhedskort (yellow card) functions as your personal library card with a pin code chosen by you. You will need the pin code, when you check out materials, put them on hold, and when you use our digital services. If you forget your pin code, you can choose a new one by showing valid identification at the library or login with MitID on our website. A special library card for children may be issued.

In case you lose your library card or sundhedskort (yellow card), you must notify the library in order to avoid misuse.

If you register a Danish cellphone number or your email, you accept that the library can send you service notifications. Please notify the library if you change your email address or cellphone number.


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